Drugs end all dreams, Say no to Drugs

Many teenagers between the ages of 12-18 are exposed or already on their way to addiction to substances that are not good for our mental or physical health. Using drugs will consume your life and weaken relationships with your family and friends. Parents whose children are on drugs stress and worry about them a lot. They fear that they might harm themselves or others at any moment. Parents whose children are on drugs are more likely to get a divorce. This is sad and also a reason I will never do drugs because I love my family and would feel horrible if I were the reason my parents got divorced or were unhappy.
Drugs will not only harm you and your life but also your families and friends. Drugs cause people to act and think differently. Different types of drugs can change the way you feel about others and yourself. Drugs can also cause people to become violent. Drugs are not good for health as they have many side effects and damage our brain, heart and other important organs.
Drugs get us involved in many illegal activities such as crime, theft, etc. It leads to sexual assault and accidents. Young people use drugs because of curiosity, peer pressure, boredom, finance problem and for pleasure also to escape from mental or physical pain, or challenging circumstances. To deal with past trauma, to feel in control. The person’s behaviors tend to self- destructive activities and are often harder to think clearly and make good decisions.

Drug use distracts attention leading to academic failure and poor social skills. Stress plays a major role in drug use and continuing drug abuse. It also creates problem in our family, school and with our friends. The person’s reflexes will become slower; they will have trouble working and doing things which require any physical any mental coordination. In spite of knowing the harmful effects of drugs, people spend lots of person’s reflexes will become slower; they will have trouble working and doing things which require any physical any mental coordination. In spite of knowing the harmful effects of drugs, people spend lots of money and consume them to forget their worries and sorrows and to seek happiness. Once a person is addicted, it is very hard to stop taking drugs.Drugs take your life away and destroy your future.

I want to conclude by saying that drug should be an absolute 'No' for all and I sincerely hope that teenagers will never ever try to consume drugs and will completely stay away from its use. Remember that our country needs you as you are its future.
I say “No” to drugs and will always say no to drugs. Nothing anyone says will change my mind. I hope you choose to say no to drugs, and if you do drugs it’s never too late to quit and live a better, healthier life.For teens who are already taking drugs or drinking alcohol, it is never too late to get help. The first step is to get the necessary support by telling one’s parents or family about their problems and desire to get help. The next step is to see a professional such as a doctor or depending on the extent of the problem, a treatment center may be necessary. For some people counseling and support groups are helpful and can help address the real reasons for the substance abuse. Despite the hardships and adjustments that come with being a teen, it isn’t necessary to turn to
drugs. Although the desire to fit in can be a strong motivator, it is important to consider all of the negative consequences that are associated with drug use. To help avoid drugs, teens should discover the things that they enjoy and what makes them a unique individual. A strong sense of self-worth and confidence will go a long way in helping teens say no to drugs and alcohol.